Meet UPIKE football coach John DeRossett

First year as linebackers’ coach for the Bears under Coach Al Holland Jr.

Spent 31 years coach in the public-school system (Belfry, Prestonsburg and Betsy Layne). Volunteered for a couple of years while attending college at Eastern Kentucky University.

He attended Georgetown College, was an undergraduate at EKU, and graduated from Morehead State University.

What is your coaching philosophy? “Play hard, fast and physical football. Be relentless in your pursuit of excellence on and off the field.”

What is your favorite music? “I like it all from old-school rap to gospel. I wish I could play the banjo and hit it a lick or two.”

Who is your favorite artist? “Gosh, Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson. I also like the storyteller from Olive Hill, Tom T. Hall. Best concert I’ve seen was Chris Stapleton at the Expo. He is such an amazing talent”

What is your favorite food? “All the foods that are bad for a person as evidenced by my waistline.”

Who is your hero or heroes? “The good Lord first and foremost. My family. Seems I can always depend on them to listen and be there for me. I can’t go without mentioning all the men and women that have served our great nation in the military.”