UPIKE women’s bowling picked to win MSC again

COLUMBIAThe defending NAIA national champions were picked to take the top spot again for the 2018-19 season on Tuesday in the Mid-South Conference’s official coaches’ preseason poll.

UPIKE finished five points (92) ahead of Cumberlands (87) for the top spot, while receiving seven of the 10 first-place votes. The Bears have won six straight MSC regular season titles.

Cumberlands took three first-place votes and finished second, while Martin Methodist took the final first-place vote and finished fourth in the poll.

UPIKE returns a majority of its national championship team including NAIA National Invitational MVP Megan Hedgespeth, Jessica Wolfe and Felicia Montecinos.

The Bears’ first team match of the season is at the MSC Louisville Collegiate Classic at Kingpin Lanes in Louisville on October 6.

(Source: UPIKE Sports Information Office)